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Obama hails bin Laden raid team

Barack Obama President of the United States caused the death of Osama bin Laden who, as one of the largest military operation in the history of our country, praised the military equipment to meet its mission. The United States promised to Al Qaeda, led to defeat Teronettowakubinradin.

Barak Obama decides against Osama bin Laden photo release

U.S. officials al-Qaida leader, was killed during a shooting claimed the complex and he was hiding in Pakistan, to put a lid on growing skepticism about Washington's version of events surrounding the death of Mr. Osama bin Laden tried to leave. Despite pressure from his advisers to publish a picture of bin Laden's body as evidence a copy of management accounts, President Barack Obama, image, saying that is used by extremists to incite violence be to, rejected propaganda tool.

Last wish of Osama Bin Laden before death.

His last wish, according to a document referred to Osama bin Laden of his intentions, the woman, his sons not to remarry after his death, did not join al-Qaeda international terrorist organization. Al Anbaa newspaper, Kuwait, on Tuesday, said marked private, sensitive 9 / 14 terrorist attacks for three months after December 11, 2001, Time, U.S. forces hunting, was in Afghanistan.

"Osama bin Laden wasn't sheltered by us"-says Pakistan

Asif Ali Zarudari Mr. President, the secret of his country, claiming the actions of special forces played a role in the U.S. and Pakistan were fighting back against criticism of the United States to protect Osama bin Laden was killed Sunday night, Al Qaeda leaders.

The 10 key myths about Osama bin Laden

  1. During the 1980s Osama Bin Laden did not receive direct funding and training from the United States. He also was a believer. Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency through Afuganmujahidin received a lot of both. Some of the Arab struggle against the Soviet Union was bleeding from a big nothing.

Osama bin Laden corpse photo is may be fake.

Pakistan television broadcast on the British newspaper Web Image showing Osama bin Laden apparently picked up the site dead are forged. Matted hair and eyes the last two years, half open, the image of man's blood is circulated on the Internet. Post, Times, Telegraph, Sun had used on the first page of a mirror, and soon he, Twitter, after exposure to false, and will be deleted.